Vejam o resultado que encontrei (estou ainda boquiaberta):
Mysterious Rumours

You’re moody, like to think about life and dead to all things fantasy. Or you appear to be, anyway. You’ve probably been disillusioned by some event and therefore have decided to give up on magic, preferring instead to live in the certainty of boring present day Earth. That doesn’t mean you actually belong here, though. Your story will probably start when you go to visit an old castle one day. You’ll have a book with you which you’ve checked out from the local library about the place’s mysterious history. Apparently, a noble family used to live here that caused their town much strife, being the source of many fears. Lady Eliza had been accused of being a witch and suffered death by fire after failing the trial by water when she surfaced and didn’t drown. Unable to stand watching his dear wife burn, The Duke is believed to have plunged into a nearby lake. No one ever found his body though and after his wife was burnt no one could find any remains. They assumed she was reduced to mere ashes. This left their son, Giovanni, as the sole heir to the family fortune but, when the day came for the will to be read he disappeared. Many tried to sneak into the castle afterwards to claim its treasures as their own but none ever returned and so eventually the castle was completely abandoned and forbidden. That’s what the book said anyway. These days, though, you can visit whatever place you want so long as you pay, which you have. You enter through the massive double doors and hear them slam shut behind you. You assume it’s just the wind and continue on but, as you have already guessed, you are not alone. The family have been expecting you.
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